We maintain large inventory of 2-stroke Large-Bore-Slow-Speed engine parts in ready stock for immediate delivery.

More than 5,000 main components of 2-stroke engine for MAN B&W, SULZER and MITSUBISHI are available in stock, including:

Cylinder Cover | Cylinder Liner | Piston Crown | Piston Skirt | Piston Rod | Fuel Pump | Exhaust Valve and Seat | Cooling Water Jacket | Piston Ring | Plunger and Barrel | Nozzle | Spindle Guide | Bearings and Bushings | Stuffing Box Parts | PC ring | Cam roller assembly | Lubricator | Oring | Gasket | Packing. 

Our stock includes:

  • NEW components sourced from OE makers and class approved manufacturers.
  • UNUSED components, produced by genuine maker and surplus obtained from ship store.
  • RECONDITION components with reconditioning certificate and warrantee.
  • SLIGHTLY USED components with complete inspection, testing and calibration reports.